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November 25, 2018

Four Truth Anchors for Hopeless Storms

Jesus taught us that "in this world, we will have trouble." Difficult circumstances will inevitably invade our lives. But Jesus also taught us in this same sentence to "take heart, because He has overcome the world." (John 16:33) This is such good news, but to be transparent, it is often very difficult to believe at times.

Have you ever been in a situation that honestly just seemed absolutely hopeless? Have you ever convinced yourself that there is no way that your life will ever be the same? If anything, your future looks very bleak as a result of your current circumstance? Perhaps some of us are there right now. Here is a question this passage forces us to wrestle with:

Is your fear of your circumstance greater than your faith in God? 

Think about that... If anxiety seems to have a permanent seat at your table, then you're not going to want to miss this message. God wants to realign your perspective on just how powerful He really is.


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