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November 17, 2019

The Assurance of God in Us

One of the key themes of 1 John is that true believers love one another. John has continued to make this point throughout the letter. And last week, as we studied verses 4:7-12, we saw the simple command to love one another in light of the audaciously gracious love of God. 
And while we can say “Amen” to that with our mouths and understand it in our heads, the reality is that many of us can struggle with this in one of two ways. The first struggle is that we can doubt that God can truly love us like that. And the second struggle is that we can despair that we are failing at loving others as God loves us. 
But John does not want us to despair or to question God’s love for us. He desperately wants to assure us of God’s love for us and His abiding in us which is evidenced by a confidence before God and a love for others.


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